
Add quick block button

Just a thought for suggestions... when hovering over a players name and the options pop up... adding the block button right there would be helpful (rather than clicking and having to go into the players profile to block).
Yeah, you make make space for it by making the 'follow' button smaller.
How much time this feature is going to save?
It's not difficult or time consuming to go to someone's profile.

Reporting users for cheating takes much more time. Beside the difficult task of going to users' profiles and finding the report button, it's necessary to do many other time consuming things:
1.Request a computer analysis and wait until it is complete;
2. Copy and paste a link of a suspicious game to the report;
3. Write an essay and include all the reasons for your believing the user uses chess computer assistance.

Why is it necessary to make it convenient to block users? Why would anyone want to block a large number of users? Blocking is equally useless to following users. Everyone is here to play chess. Blocking and following can be better done on social media websites which are not suitable for playing chess.
Well geeze hangrad, was just a suggestion, isn't that what this section of the forum is for? How many other options on Lichess were made for sake of convenience... I guess all those options should be removed too, according to your logic.

I am not talking about blocking users just because of cheating either... you are quite the assumptive person. There are many that I block because they just have a poor connection, if they have Red connection, terrible lag, and makes playing a bullet game miserable, I don't intend to play them again... so block.

So seriously... chill out dude.
personally I never felt a need to block anyone for the reasons you listed

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