
When your opponent aborts, you NEED to be given the same color pieces next game.

@kindofkay said in #10:
> Yeah, that is what I was proposing in the first place. Looking back I see you may have mistook it as it only applying to white?

After rereading your first post, it appears I misinterpreted your comment as a complaint about getting offered the black pieces repeatedly (because you don't want to play black). So am I interpreting this correctly now - you seem to be saying that if you get a game as white, and the opponent aborts (presumably because _they_ don't want black), then when YOU search for the next game, YOU should get white again to make up for the missed game? So it's not about the one who aborted the game, but rather their opponent?

If that is what you meant, I can see your point but I'm still not sure it really matters. Over time it should even out even if you have to play a short run of games as one color or the other. And you can always use the "create a game" option to specify your color preference (or choose one that is available).

Still, as I noted you probably won't find any satisfaction here. Github would be the place to make this kind of suggestion.

Sorry if I came on kind of strong as it does appear I misread your intent.
@borninthesixties Well the solution you proposed - altering the next game for the aborting person - actually solves the issue more efficiently so I'll have a better suggestion for Github now :)
> I would say that in my opinion, the algorithm should just keep giving you the same color if you abort games, until you either play that game or get a temporary play-ban

This is mostly the current system already in place.
So you're saying that your solution to people aborting games is to...abort games? If you want to play a certain color just make your own game in the lobby. If you have a streak of 8-10 games with black, I'm sure you had to have had one with white as well.
@bloocoat23 said in #14:
> So you're saying that your solution to people aborting games is to...abort games? If you want to play a certain color just make your own game in the lobby. If you have a streak of 8-10 games with black, I'm sure you had to have had one with white as well.

I will assume you and whoever read this and left a like to pile on didn't read the original post, let alone the thread.

I'm very frustrated with this forum, especially considering it's ostencibly attached to what I'd considered to be one of the most uplifting oss success stories to date.

I'll probably delete this thread now, as I've gotten the advice needed to adress the issue from the people willing to help.
Swiss system in the lobby. Some may not like having the same color more than twice in a row.
By following a Swiss pairing system in the lobby it might feel like a swiss tournament.
Make exception in getting paired by friends multiple times, by strangers only once unless rematch is offered where color is alternated.
@kindofkay said in #1:
> Surely at least 90% of the players prefer white pieces - when a person aborts (which has happened to me way disproportionatelly when I'm white), you are not guaranteed to be white again, statistically shifting the 50:50 color ratio for fair players, as well as (for me at least) contributing to tilt.
> I usually abort, until I get the same color pieces again for fairness' sake - this time I got an unlucky streak of black pieces for roughly 8-10 games, giving me a freaking timeout for wanting the website to be fair. Considering chess is a minor hobby for me, stuff like this timeout sh*t just makes it not worth bothering.

by the way you should play whatever colour you got
As @borninthesixties has stated, the problem would vanish completely if anybody who has aborted a game would for sure get the same color in the next game.

The algorithm should just keep giving you the same color if you abort games, until you either play that game or get a temporary play-ban.
@JuNgLeBoOk11 said in #17:
> by the way you should play whatever colour you got

I did this to compensate whenever a game was aborted on me - whether it meant aborting a black or a white game.

Ideally I agree that 'playing what you get' should be the approach, but the website ought to accommodate that approach with, again, what is a tiny QoL feature with no reason not to exist. I don't think I can delete the thread in whole or mark it solved - it has been with a couple of useful contributions and any further replies, especially those unrelated to the actual feature request/feedback, are kindof unhelpful (with exceptions if you have any good ideas AFTER having read the thread in full).
While I know the pairing system works & is fair- it is frustrating to play a couple games with the black pieces, get a white pieces game & user immediately aborts & your next game is with the black pieces, again. I’ve thought about making this exact thread in frustration many times before.

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