
Locating cheaters

With,at least twice a week I was awarded points because cheaters had been located. I have been here for some time, yet no one has been discovered as cheating. Is this an honest site, or does liChess not bother to seek them out?
The cheating detection is very effective here. At our level (yours and mine) we rarely encounter them.
Some people claim they have the exact opposite experience
@HiramHolliday said in #1:
> With,at least twice a week I was awarded points because cheaters had been located.

chesscom and lichess have different refund policies, so a difference there would be expected even if the number of cheaters were they same on both sites and both used identical cheat detection.
@HiramHolliday said in #6:
> Que?

on both chesscom and lichess, you will not always get rating refunded, just because you lost a game against someone who was later marked as an engine user. there are additional conditions for these refunds. and these additional conditions differ between the sites.
that means that you cannot infer much from comparing the number of times you received a rating refund on both sites.

edit: you can read about these additional conditions on lichess here –
i don't care enough to look them up on chesscom, i am sure you'll be capable to do so yourself.
I block all obvious cheaters. Your points are often refunded The ratings for most of us fluctuate. LIChess does have a cheating i.d. system in place. It's a clean club for avid chess players and chess fans

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