
Does food choice effect the volume or quality of dream sleep?

I eat high calorie fats and sugars just before sleeping for that extra lucid action.
Custom trail mix of cashews, cranberries, dark chocolate, skittles, gummy candy, etc.
Several times I dreamed long thoughtful dreams after my dinner had been pizza and salad.
All I can tell you is, every time I breathe paint fumes I have nightmares.
Yes, the worse the food you ate, the more the dream will be related to food.

(I'm jk, idk if that happens)
I believe I once read that a rather large dosage of vitamin B-12 taken (orally) shortly before going to sleep will increase intensity of color perception during dreaming.

I am not quite certain anymore where I read that ; might have been Gary Bruno Schmid, Selbstheilung durch Vorstellungskraft. The book is better than the title suggests. His other books are highly interesting too, in my opinion.

Anyways, you'll have to do further research on this yourself, before you try it, if you are interested.
The food you eat definitely effects your sleep!
For a good sleep it's recommended that you avoid high carb foods such as biscuits and stuff that has sugar in them. Also make sure the calories aren't too much because your calories are basically your energy. Caffeine will keep you awake so I would avoid that before sleeping, renember, there isn't just caffeine in coffee and tea but also sneaky caffeine such as chocolate so check the food your eating and make sure it hasn't got that stuff in it.
Then finally, this cannot be categorised of such but avoid eating bananas any time close to bed time.

Just though I'd share what I knew :)

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