
Feature request: Move "row numbers" outside board on analysis


Would it be possible to move the numbers outside board on analysis? I understand that they are moved in to show the winning bar, but I think it would look better outside.

Could we have a way to save a position as for example .jpg? Then we can make a position and use for presentation in club or post in blogs/discussion boards etc. Maybe put a small lichess logo on the bottom to promote the site as well :)

Don't know how easy this is, but this is my suggestion


I think you can already achieve what you're looking for with regards to saving positions as images.

Go to the analysis view of your game, and then at the bottom click 'FEN & PGN' and then click 'Generate Images'. Here is a screenshot of the box you should see:

Note: If you're generating the position using the analysis board tool I think you might need to import the PGN first here as a work around: . You can then right click and save the images on the generated image page.

As for your comment regarding the numbers on the right hand side, I don't really understand what you mean so I don't have any comment :P.

@Happy0 Thanks for the reply, I did not know about this feature, and it is definitely a nice thing to know about. And your workaround is really nice.

1. these are the numbers
2. it would be nice to be able to "annotate" a position with marking of squares, circles and arrows etc.

Edit: It would make my life a lot easier, when we are making presentations for my OTB club.

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