
Tournaments with Longer Time Controls?


Which engines did you put up against each other? Browser stockfish is not a strong engine for atomic as it easily misevaluates positions.
I just went into Analysis and switched the engine on. I waited until it reached a certain depth then played. Probably not perfect and the engines may have improved since then, but I was expecting an easy forced win for white and it didn't come.

The fact is that many of us are not that good i.e. top player level, but want to play and want a bit of time to think and not end in flagging contests.

Even if we are a minority, there are enough of us to cater for, although in the events where I played slower time controls they were one-on-one matches, not arena, and we played 2 games switching colours.
3+2 is the best time control, as the increment prevents dirty flags, and the time control is not too long. When players try to flag me in 3+2, I do this.

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