

@chessanalyst i love the springer for some reasons. Its the most active piece from the beginning.
Ok ill agree the knight is generally better in the opening than the bishop. At least for a little while. But bishops eventually control more squares, mate easier and pin things. Knights mostly just fork things and control squares.
@chessanalyst true that. It is like:

pin / more controllofsquares / more possiblities of checkmates vs forks opening nonblock activity

If we look at it in a pragmatic way, you can't just prefer one piece more than the other without considering the position...

I guess I'll create a group called "I care about the relative situation I am into, since a piece is only as valuable as it is useful in relation to the position."... haha.
That's right:

Bishop -> Opened positions.
Knight -> Closed positions.

At the beginning of the game, both a value of 3 pawns.

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