
Feature Request: Adding comments to blog Posts

@SHAURYANILESH said in #9:
> It has been asked about 30 times and lichess did not add so lichess won't add @natbee56.
Where got? I didn't see it. Not even a single Phrase called: "Comments to blog posts"
oops Maby i forgotten i posted on a topic
@natbee56 said in #11:
> Where got? I didn't see it. Not even a single Phrase called: "Comments to blog posts"
They are old and lichess is always flooded with forum posts so you can't find. These topics were made when blogs were added here.
@SHAURYANILESH said in #3:
> ANOTHER SPAM TOPIC. Reached a high score today.
I hardly see how this is spam. Your post is a spam post.

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