
Resignation in dead lost positions - your thoughts?

> If I see checkmate is unavoidable, I resign, before I get mated.

Why?? People miss mates all the time, especially low-rated players. You may be throwing away a win or draw by giving up too soon.

Take a look at this game:

Black is rated 1598 and ahead two queens to none. White didn't resign and got a stalemate out of it instead of a loss.
As white, would you have resigned in this position?

Seems like I've got to repeat myself once more:

For each and every game you showed, we could bring up 99 other games that prove you wrong.

In other words: The percentage of occurrences you're using to defend your argument is so ridiculously small, it's not even worth mentioning it.

If we were talking about 10-15% chance for this to happen, it would be a whole other story. But in fact, you're not even close to that.
Time trouble is relative to the skill of the players. For Better players 2 minutes + 15 each move would have been more than enough

Sure, for every case where someone wins a game against the odds, you can bring up 99 games in which that didn’t happen. But you know what? To many people that one game makes all the difference. And you have no right or power to demand that a player abandons all hope and resigns.
@fiveyearsunbeaten at 2 minutes or less you clearly start feeling the pressure and mistakes like those in the game start becoming much more frequent. This is exactly why we excluded these situations.

Btw, you weren't 'dead lost' at any moment during the game. You only had a worse middle game, which is far far away from being dead lost. Your post is so much off-topic...
Exactly my point, you define dead lost based on your playing strength.
Im saying each player should define it for himself, not let his opponent do that and feel obliged to resign cause his opponent thinks it’s beneath himself to play it out

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