
New feature request - an option to block spectating

I'm happy right now and I'm not looking for anything else. But there are many people who don't want people to spectate them, as they sometimes begin to think "oh now this player is looking at how bad I'm playing". Something like that.

I don't mind people spectating me, I'm good. But I believe there should be an option for this, such as every time you start a game you should be able to press on "Allow only friends spectators" or "Don't allow any spectators" and that way, all those people out there can be happy, and try to focus on the game better.

Note: If this idea will really be a feature, just saying that it should automatically allow everyone to spectate *unless* the player clicks on one of those.

This is just an idea, so if you disagree with me don't start 'digging deep'.

Thank you
I think it would be better to allow people to spectate, but the players won't know they ARE spectating, so they can play distraction free.
Have u tried Zen mode??
As Zen mode targeting distraction issues honestly I am just assuming spectators should be hidden there. But I have not tried it before. So.... 🤔
This is a great idea because most players don't like when others spectate their game. Even if the spectators are hidden, I feel like they won't be able to play freely. I agree with @Yehonatan-Chess.

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