
Opponents letting time run down on purpose...

Opponents who just let their time tick out when in a losing position are so annoying, right? What do you all do when something like this happens?
Do puzzles in another tab. Pretend your opponent has resigned and begin the post-game analysis, studying how you played in the opening and middlegame and writing notes. Crack open a book. If I'm really confident they're not coming back, I might even start a new game in another window.
Note that none of these are options in over-the-board tournaments, so enjoy the perks of online play.

Remember, you signed up to play a game at that time control. You signed up to wait for your opponent to think about their moves for as long as they might need to. If your opponent wants to sit for 45 minutes on one move, like Nezhmetdinov preparing to sacrifice his queen, then they are technically allowed to do that, and it should be permitted as long as they're sincerely thinking about how to save the draw. True time-wasters, who are not even bothering with the chess anymore and are simply waiting out the timer to spite you, are annoying, but when your opponent has all the attack and you're down material and in danger of being mated, you have to play extremely accurately to survive, and finding the single move that delays defeat can genuinely take more time than finding the moves that continue the attack.

Oh, and also you can, obviously, report players for suspected poor sportsmanship. Focus on what you can control and leave the rest up to Lichess.

In this game my opponent was not playing during the last move and he had 9 mins left so I went to spectate other games in that team battle
My opponent claimed a draw(pretty sure he would have claimed a win if he didn't have a lone king)

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