
Variant Suggestion: Kung Fu Chess

KungFuChess is real time chess, there are no turns, pieces may be moved at any time. Once a piece is moved it must wait for the short cool down time to pass before it can be moved again.

Here is a video of a game of KungFuChess:

Hopefully this variant is added to Lichess in the future.
Why do you think this wont make it to lichess? It is a game that has been well liked by many people and I'm sure its popularity would go up if it was implemented here.
Because, like bughouse, this is structurally unlike classical chess, and would take very significant effort to build, for what's currently a really small interested audience. Contrast to bughouse, which a large portion of the zh crowd would be playing, and which isn't there.

(thibault> Please don't ask me for bughouse. Lichess is a game for one board and two players.)

Clocks should be entirely reimplemented, that takes a motivated dev. You need a clock per piece + its visualisation. You need an entirely new game notation format, and the replayer needs to handle that too. Forget about analysis. Can you premove at kung-fu chess ? Currently piece travel is mostly cosmetic, but the travel time is an important part of the kung-fu chess game, so that needs to be consolidated. What happens when pieces cross paths ? Seeks are not made by total_clock_time+increment anymore, but by cooldown+travel_speed. There are no checks, but the king needs to be captured, which is a new game termination condition. Kings can interact with each other, and what happens if both players capture each other's kings at the same time ?

All this for a game the most played variant of which is, like zh, 4-playered = unlikely to happen soon.

tl;dr : it's quite a bit of work. See my point now ?
There have been many kungfuchess implementations on other websites (one just launched 4 days ago) that have been unsuccessful because of lack of players. Since lichess is open source, hopefully someone decides to make it for lichess instead of a website that most potential players will never hear of.
I am in favor of adding all chess variants to lichess. I especially want Dark Chess or variants with imperfect information.
To deal with the problem of creating too many variants and not having enough players for them, I suggest having a "Variant of the Day" on the site to coordinate everyone on which one to play. Or even a "Variant of the Hour" or just using scheduled tournaments for one variant at a time so that the players don't get split among them.

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