
Why do I have 2300+ rating and struggle to beat some 1800+ players?

I don't expend too much time on puzzles. Even so I losted 4 in a row for a guy who have 1600 in puzzles.

OH GARBAGE SITE, I forgot a word in the title
Can you retype for clarity?

2300 puzzle rating?

Trouble with 1800 blitz rated?

Trying to understand..
My puzzle rating is also over 2000. But look at my blitz rating. :-(
2300 puzzle rating doesn't mean that you have 2300 rating in a game. Because chess is more than just tactics puzzles. Whoop-tee-doo.
@huellyouhappy but i never saw someone with 1800 rating and puzzle rating above 2000. I rather believe that people don't play puzzles seriously.
@RenatoLanches Ratings are not absolute and they are only relative to the player pool, or in this case, the puzzle pool. You can compare a rating to another rating of the same type, but you can't compare different types of ratings. Even the puzzle ratings may not be representative of one's tactical ability, as you said in #6. There are many aspects of chess that don't require much tactical prowess. Now please don't take your losses too seriously. :)

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