
Who is the oldest ultra player in the top 100?

I've broke my touchpad by playing ulrabullet and bullet.
Ultarbullet is the game of speed. You don't think about your moves, just you must be fast, fast, only fast. Anyway, my touchpad helped me to have my 1666 rating:)
I don't use mouse because there is a big probability of missklick (for me).
There are new fast mouses.
First off; my ultra rating sucks. Ignore that; as I do have incite into this due to a long time playing FPS.
Anyway; the answer is: Yes. Look up youtube videos on how to improve mouse aim.
Most of it will have to do with FPS but it follows the same principals. It could also help to actually play FPS; like CS GO or whatnot; as fast reactions easily translate.

To each their own; but most would say that you want anything BUT a touch pad.....except maybe a trackball lol.

A good mouse can go a long way that has high DPS; as well as a good mousepad that allows for precise and quick movements.

Razer is a good product.

You can also change your mouse movement speed and other settings in the properties of your mouse.

Display settings on your monitor can also play a part; less Resolution less screen size less space your mouse must traverse. (for lack of a better explanation)

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