
Is there a universal way to premove QQK checkmate to a king without stalemating it?

It seems an easy checkmate, but there is always a chance for stalemate if there is little time on the clock. Do you know any universal way to do this with only premoves?
the universal way to stop stalemate is to always check the king if in check it has to move and just hope that your continuation of checks eventually leads to a mate :P
it is easy.put the queens on the one side of the board and try to get the opponent king in the last file and checkmate him like this : WHITE:Ka4
Yes, a safe way would be to not "skip" a rank but rather move down the ranks one by one on opposite sides. So in your example:

61 ... Qf1
62. Ke3 Qbf6
63. Ke4 Qe1+
64. Kd5 Qfe7

It takes you a lot longer but you will never, ever achieve stalemate. Also works with Q+R or even R+R.
The only reason this wasn't a checkmate was because you were chasing him instead of checking him.

I'd premove my King until there's a 50/50 chance for me to check him.
Rinse and repeat until the first check and as soon as he gets checked once you can roll until he's mated. No chance for stalemate there.
Checking is best, so a potentially successful way would be to trap his king and then start with checks. That might be problematic, so maybe its easier to just make sure you get the inward queen first on the second rank/file even if this means to put both queens on the same rank/file for a move. This way you shouldn't be able to stalemate. Also try to keep his king away from your king^^
@Chesstroll_Ingot I've come with this trick one day: It's good, because it's the intuitive principle without much analysis: just never skip the third file! However, it is by no means universal, as it is hard to take in account own king position, let alone other pieces that are usually present on the board. But I think that significantly decreases stalemate probability.
Thanks for the answers, guys! They are very helpful!
Yeah, I should have done the trick with the third square in that game. I'll try to do this the next time.
Sorry, but i dont think the study from #7 and some other hints given by others are helpful. If eg. in the wk was on g4 then premoving 64.Qef1 would also stalemate him.

This will work instead:

1) make sure that there are no own and no opps pieces inside of the terrain where you mate him. So, in your game, 61.Qc5 and mate him on first rank or 61.Qf2 and mate him on a-file.

2) the queen who is farthest away from the opps king shall deliver mate. This way stalemate can be prevented. Therefore make sure she is on a square of the same color of the mating square. This would be the corner of the board if the queens move along the two outermost files/ranks.


Thank you! I'll use this method next time.

Ironically, I've just got stalemated by Stockfish, for the first time ever:

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