
my quickest checkmate ever

nothing special i know but had a couple of beers and 7 seconds in
That was almost a Fool's Mate. 3. Qh4# would have been Fool's Mate.
@ginja The h5-d8 diagonal is very sensitive because no black piece can get to it originally. Pay attention when those pawns move too earlier. Hope you learn from this game and don't miss another fool's mate ;)
I do. Thanks.
h5-d8 is a knight type of diagonal through which it zigzags :D
#2 Qh4 is illegal and loses the Queen.
To OP, nice Bc4, very insulting and trolling (I know its a premove, I am just teasing you :)).
you could checkmate one turn earlyer with queen F8 before he move the beshop

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