
Thanks for adding the right Belorussian flag

Do you know anyone from belarus that disagrees with you, majority of the country. There's always a left that hate their own nation and even new zealand couldn't replace their own current flag despite screaming against it.
You won't ever get a feminist in charge, but in the process of denying your country you will lose investors. So pat yourself on the shoulder
please return the flag! Why did you change the flag? Who allowed it? Likes - shame on you!
Hooray! thanks for giving us our real flag!
ура! спасибо, что дали нам настоящий наш флаг!

So you are happy with Lukashenko?

Edit: And no, I‘m not from Germany, but I think the whole world should stand behind Lukashenko‘s opposition now, as GB and Canada already have done.
I will stick my neck out here and say that I do not agree with what Lichess has done here, for a number of reasons.
1. Flags *are* political statements. As an unwilling subject of a constitutional monarchy (a concept far more backward than anything related to the former USSR, by the way), I am very glad of the opportunity to at least have my true national flag as an option on this site (and indeed in general, in contrast to those poor souls in Northern Ireland who officially no longer have a flag). However, if I were to wake up tomorrow to find that lichess had simply removed the Union Jack I would speak out against it, despite my personal preference.
2. Keeping politics out of sport may not be achievable but it is an ideal to aim towards. The most *sporting* thing you can do is say "may the best man win" or words to that effect, and I would argue that playing chess at all presupposes that you would rather lose than do something *unsporting* (such as use an engine).
3. Lichess has an Israeli flag and a Palestinian flag. Enough said.

My suggestion is allowing people to choose which Belarusian (I hate that spelling but it *is* the one most widely used in English) flag they wish to display. My suggestion would be to make the official flag the default and giving people the choice to nail their colours to the mast if they so choose.
You must return to the Republic of Belarus the official state flag

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