
I keep getting almost every puzzle wrong.

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I also recommend doing Puzzle Streaks - they start with low-rating puzzles that gradually increase in difficulty until you fail:
It's useful even when you get better at solving tactics, to help you identify patterns faster
If you cant see tactics then the rating will drop until you get puzzles that you can solve
Keep training. Remember there is no clock. You can take a break any time. Even in the middle of a puzzle. I think you can still learn while your rating is dropping. Eventually the frustration will pay off.
@Damian_Desmond said in #1:
> The problem is that I can't find any patterns at all.

The problem is that you dont know them. You have to learn them first to be able to see them.

Go to puzzles, a puzzle will appear, dont solve it.
At the bottom left panel, you should find a link that says "theme puzzle" or among those lines. Click it.
You will have a list of themes, select any.
All the puzzles that you receive will be from that specific theme. So practice it over and over until you understand it.
Once you learned the pattern, select another theme. Rinse and repeat.
Over time, you will be able to recognize a wider variety of patterns, and when you go to the general pool you will recognize patterns more frequently.

The thing is that the general pool, with higher difficulty, sometimes you have to use combination of themes but you cant use combos when you are not familiar with the basic patterns. Start from a lower level as i suggested.

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