

Every time my rating gets close to 1500 I try to reach that level by beating a 1500 rated player. I mean what would the point be in reaching this mark by beating a 1350 player I already know I can beat a player like that its the 1500 player I want to beat. So every time I do play against these players I lose is there anyway I can get my points back when I lose these games because right now I am afraid to play anyone over 1500 because I end up losing points and I am never going to reach the 1500 level this way so I just might have to beat up on 1300 to 1400 players in order to reach 1500 but if I cant beat a 1500 player then my 1500 rating would not really be true because how could I be rated at 1500 if I cant beat a 1500 player?
well if you can beat them than you have an over 1500 rating so my suggestion is play until you can get better and get around a 50% win rate with 1500s.
Review your games, solve some puzzles, read some books, watch some videos. All the best.
As someone said, don't worry about your rating or who you beat for the sake of it.
Worry about being better, and the victories and ratings will come with it.
You've already beaten over 1500s in classical five times at least. That's not so bad odds, out of 49 games. Maybe you have a case of nerves - perhaps try the zen mode?
Play more classical than bullets and blitz !

1500?, may be real masters playing here.
Try to play around 1500, not exactly 1500?
The rating could just be seen as a way of finding opponents close to your level to play chess with them, why do you car going over this or taht barrier ? Just have fun, learn and read if you feel like it.

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