
Mouse Recommendations for Hyper Bullet

Hi....I enjoy playing bullet and am reasonably good at it. At the moment I use my laptop's mouse pad, which isn't bad for 1/0s but not good enough for hyper bullet (or even the last 5 secs of bullet).

For people with a 2000+ hyper bullet rating, what mouse would you recommend.
Reasonably good. You humble. DJ Khaled would not rock with you.
I would suggest a "gamer" mouse, rather than one used largely for office type apps, of some sort as it will stand up to beating of a blitz match. I have a RAT which is very good but no longer available.
I've done that but wanted to hear from people who use them to play ultra bullet. Most of the reviews online are from a FPS perspective.
The RAT mouse I have is very good but the manufacturer went bankrupt. So I would read some reviews and some of them are programmable which you can customise as you wish.

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