
New to the game

@nuffsed81 I don't get you. I didn't say competitive anywhere. And also, I don't try to lose rating points by losing. I always try to win.
And thanks for the suggestions! I already have watched those mentioned vids over two times. They have really helped me a lot. I have gained over 500 rating points after watching those vids.
And lastly, you said "What do you mean by competitive? ". I really don't understand that question. Please explain me why you asked that.
It's never to late to start playing chess. Chess can be looked at very similarly to typical school subjects. If you study you are gonna improve no matter your age. But you don't even have to study to enjoy chess. Some play just for fun.
At first you will lose lots and then the glicko2 rating will get you to a bracket where you will be in a competitive range where you can win games, you just have to play enough games so the rating system places you in a bracket where you can be competitive.

However if you mean tournament competitive then you and i have missed the boat in my opinion, unless we work hard for years and years.

A MUST is to watch as many youtube vids as poss. There are some great channels. Try Jerry, he does YT channel called chessnetwork and the series is called Beginner to master.

Would you like a link? It WILL be very helpful. Also another series called "climbing the ratings ladder" is very good but i cant rem the channels name. If you typr "climbing the ratings ladder" it comes up, then just pick the place on the ladder that you need to climb.

I am saying this as a complete beginner but the=ose channels have improved my game without doubt.
Here is another game of yours:

5...Qd7? instead of 5...Qb6 just invites the strong 6 Ne5
6...cxd5? invites the strong 7 Ne5 again, instead of first eliminating the knight with 6...Bxf3.
22...Bxc5? loses a piece to 23 Bxf6 with attack on Bc5.
28...g6? he blunders a piece and you fail to take it
37...Qxh4? loses the game
Many blunders on your part, played much to fast.

Too many people want to get FIDE titles. It takes lots of time and money and almost all chess players will never get any FIDE title. The best comment here is #21 by @Sarg0n . This a great description about what it takes to get the lowest FIDE title. The only question is if the title worth all the time and money investment. If this person has fun, the effort for the title is worthwhile. Otherwise, the time and money should be invested in other activities. There must be more effective ways to make money than playing chess.

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