
How can my tactical level be 2000+ while my FIDE rating is just 1108?

tactics rating just measures how well you solve tactics when your informed to look for tactics... a game you have to realize it for yourself , set one up calculate... all the while not blundering a piece or position it really has no stock other than your decent at solving puzzles...
I'm USCF 1080 and here I'm 1603. On FICS I'm 1375-1450. lichess is inflated it seems to me.
Also the question is if all of your guys are completly honest, i see tons of 2000+ elo games decided by tactics, and many of those were pretty straightforward leading up to that point if you are proficient tactically.
Yet, when I play in my club or in uncompetitive envirronment I can beat 1450-1550 players quite regularly. But when I arrive in tournaments (to be fair I haven't done much tournaments as I started this year) I loose against 1200-1300 players.
I'd have to ask you to share your games, then you analyze them, to understand what you're doing wrong...
6 Classical games are not enough to evaluate your rating. Your rating is provisional... it could be several hundred points higher or several hundred lower. For myself, I briefly had a Classical rating of almost 2000 when I started playing here a year ago, but went on to lose the next eight or so games and my rating didn't stabilize till around 1750 (though I've slowly worked my way back up since then, but never hit that original high point).

Ditto with tactics. Swings of a few hundred points will be common until your rating stabilizes. The situation also is different in tactics--you can take as long as you want, you know that there is a tactic there, etc. It's a very artificial situation, that isn't particularly well correlated to your actual rating.

Lichess ratings are typically 200-300 points above FIDE; at 1100 FIDE, you should expect a Lichess Blitz/Rapid rating around 1400, and Classical a bit higher... though if you play a lot of tournaments, I can imagine your Classical could be quite a bit higher since you may calculate a lot more than Classical players of a similar level. It's also possible that your FIDE rating is low compared to your current play if you haven't done many tournaments in awhile.
1700 classical definitely does NOT mean you should be 1400-1500 elo, I would guess most 1700 classical players on lichess would not be much better than 1200 elo otb.
Your other ratings such as rapid and blitz, where better players play, are not as high and you should look at them before classical.

About tactics rating, I would believe it's very high for most of the people who take time doing puzzles.

In noncompetitive environments, most people don't try as hard and often use the opportunity to try out new stuff. If there's chat, that alone will lower everyone's concentration levels.

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