
What do you think about the stalemate rule?

@jposthuma yes, some endgames would become more interesting, for instance stalemate can be forced with two knights against a lone king, but, like @Sarg0n said, a lot of defensive manoeuvres wouldn't be possible, material would be a lot more decisive and no technique would be necessary to win an important number of endgames. Anyway my endgame knowledge is very basic so I actually can't say if this hypothetical change would be beneficial or not

By the way, what do you think you people about that a stalemate shouldn't be neither a draw nor a win, but something like 2/3-1/3?
The stalemate rule is a consequence of the 'can't move into check' rule. If anything changes it is that rule that should be removed. The game ends with the king-capture. Imagine the swindles in blitz, the drama in bullet.
One could argue that if white had more material then white should gain the point... but in my opinion, surely having more material but getting in a position where moving is now illegal is actually less skillful so could even be considered a loss?

A draw sounds like a fair balance.

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