
Donald Trumps visit to Britain

God bless America, and Donald Trump with his visit to Britain in June.
I am trying to figure out from your posts what kind of troll you are, but it's not straightforward.
Probably just saying that we could all do with all the help we can get.
Totally agree! Donald Trump is certainly the only man capable at this point to bring together the world against the plagues of Islam, Communism, and other anti-conservative values. We've seen how the immigration policies of France and Germany have utterly failed and put hard working people along with their women and children at great risk. We cannot allow such madness to exist in the English speaking's certainly time for unity, ... not to mention another Crusade!!
@Kaynight1 you are absolutely right!!! God will bless America as President Trump is the only President who put action to words and supported Israel!.
Yes, the european immigration has failed in many ways but ask yourself why so many people want to go to Europe and who is responsible. USA is not innocent for the choatic situation in many countries in northern Africa, the mideast etc. In the name of democracy and freedom we have removed a number of dictators and the result was total chaos after our military excursions. The USA never had problems to cooperate with dictators like Saddam, Marco, Batista etc as long as they were following american guidelines. Freedom and democracy must come from the "inside" and not from the outside by military actions.

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