
No respect for poeple like this.

Seems like you never played starcraft before. It would be ridiculous if I could take back my mistakes in micro management. Also it was more of a hypothetical thought.
In chess and in life there will always be people who do stuff you don't like. Just accept it and concentrate on the more important things.
that is another game on a diff thing with diff, players. Plus then you would learn. missclicks arent learning
I'm learning to play chess. I have a crummy laptop, with only a pad - i don't have a mouse and my click buttons are unrealiable. Yesterday, I was playing and accidentally dropped a pawn one space, when I was trying to take an opponent's piece. The move was obviously an accident, and I sent the takek back straight away, and in chat said it was an error. They refused. It's not that I don't respect people who don't take a takeback when it's requested in good faith, but it's just this community has such a variety of players, with variance in experience levels, and it just seems like if people would reach out via the chat, and honestly consider things, we'd have a stronger community all around. People should not feel taken advantage of when they sit down to play a game with you.

Perhaps we could consider take backs more often in non-ranked matches? or put games where a take back was used in a category - like golf, wherein those games count less to the overall average in the ranking system. These things could accommodate everyone's desires without harming anyone's placements and make the entire process more overall friendly. In the end, for me, it's supposed to be fun. If it is no longer fun - I'll leave. And I can't be the only one who feels that way. Fairness matters, just as much as winning does.

it's just an idea.

Thanks for reading me. :) - Emmi

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