
Is the DecodeChess app good for 1600 players?

I make lost of mistakes and moves that have no purpose. I imagine that if the app can explain the purpose behind the moves in plain english it can help me understand how to play better.

Have you used this app and do you find it useful?
Justa try it is free ot try. As most mistakes tend to simple tactical ones I did not think it helped me but do not take my word for it.
I personally just came across the decode app, and it seems perfect for me (1769 otb). That said, it will depend greatly on your learning style and self awareness.
My advice is that since you are asking this question it probably is not suitable for you. If it was you would know.
In my opinion it is a great learning tool, but you must learn to first find ideas and calculate without hints, then use a tool like that to see what you missed.
There are three points you can consider that might help:
1. HOW do you decide on your move? Think about it, for example, there are common habits like looking at CCT (checks, captures, threats) or checking if the move you are just about to make is an obvious blunder before actually playing it. How you think about choosing your move is a big deal.

2.Learn more, positional ideas, chess theory,etc. (Edit: NOT openings, in my personal opinion, there is a great misunderstanding as to the importance of the opening below master level) I can make suggestions but how to develop in this area, it is kind of an individual choice. You need to start seeing these things more in games. The more you are able to break down a position into a set of ideas that make sense to you the less lost you will feel. I started off my improvement by watching St. Louis chess club lectures on youtube so that is an option.

3. Keep thinking over your games, your mentality, what went wrong and what went well. In the end, to learn anything you must make it your own understanding. And usually the best way to do that is to actively figure stuff out for yourself while considering what other people say as helpful signposts to understanding.

I've spent waaaay too long on this lol, hope that helps.

Decodechess is just like any engine. It calculates some moves. I go here, you go here, I go here and so on. You could learn more from chess books or videos by titled players.
It does more it verbalises thing like move defends something and threatens something. And obivoulys those analysis are based on engine analysis . Beef if the verbalisations of what is going on. Just how spot on those are is of suspect. But it is first ever attempt on it and is worth trying . does not take too much time and trying does not cost anything.

Just be carefull on games to analyse. If you drop in a game there is no possible gain from decodechess.

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