
How to make the world a better place?

Give Furries the same rights as people :) and give them extra rights cause they are Furries :) world's problems solved :P
Free health care and education for all
If you can help just one person a year that would be huge. Much bigger than you could fathom; for not even half the world population would need to do this for us to see the world become a haven.
If I could institute one policy that the whole world would have to follow it would be world peace obviously, it would be the greatest release of human energy that could be directed into education, the sciences, environmental protection, civil engineering etc.

In reality the only way to secure lasting peace would be to decentralize all power to collectives no bigger than a village, that way ideological or intercommunal conflicts in countries don't escalate to international proxy wars. Any time one collective tries to exert their power over another, all regional collectives are bound by world peace and solidarity treaty to prevent the expansion of this destructive collective.
As long as different nations are existing on this planet there will be competion about power and economical advantages. There is no hope for a better world in the near future. US leadership around the world is no solution because the capital system in the USA doesn't allow a fair treatment of the poor. I believe in a multipolar global system where every nation kan find its own way to justice and happiness.
Agreed to quote Hitchens "Everywhere you look in the world today whether it might be Bosnia or Haiti or the former Soviet Union or West Germany. You can see there are always basically two kinds of people, there are those who think that the tribe into which they were born is the main thing about themselves and nothing can change that.

If they could only like that part of themselves more, congratulate themselves more, they would only be too happy. Then there are people who think Internationalism is not just a desirable thing, it is actually the only way the world can be organised in practical terms, and is the only way it can be, and there are people who have had the experience of crossing that gulf."

Personally I think Vichy French forces vs Free French forces is the best tragic comedy example of tribalism gone wrong.

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