
What is your rating in real life?

celot (#28),

I do agree with those who say that average players strength in FIDE pool is greater than here, and over the internet in general. Because it takes you a bigger effort to play OTB than it does to play over internet, the noncompetitive players who play just for fun are more likely to play over the internet only. For instance, my 7 year old daughter has an account in lichess, but she would not yet play a rated OTB game elsewhere. Yet, I don't think this is a big factor. The pool with more competitive players tends to have an slightly higher average strength, but not much.

I also agree that lichess ratings are accurate, due to Gliko2 system and a more humanized environment. That's why rating chart shows regular deviation.

The best example of how computer usage can screw up the rating system of an internet club is ICC ( There, for bullet, blitz and standard categories, you are allowed to use a computer account and play rated games against human opponents. That must be why the top blitz ratings there are so inflated, with all-time top 20 ratings are in the 3600-3750 range !!

I believe this is because of the following: For most players, strong computer accounts are unbeatable in blitz. That has driven those accounts to the 3000+ range. Then there are those few smart guys who have learned tricky ways to beat some of those specific computer accounts. They used specific openings and specific strategies to explore a single mistake. Since those computers played very repetitively and do not learn by themselves with their failure, those humans were able to do the same trick over and over, hundreds of times, driving themselves to the 3500 range. But then, greedy enough, those humans accounts rated so high played against other human accounts with GMs titles (some of them which were actually much stronger then them, such as Nakamura and Caruana). Finally, that allowed a selected crowd of GMs to move into that super inflated rating range of 3600-3750.

That does not mean that the entire crowd of players got a 1000 shift in their ratings. Much to the contrary, players below 2000 level do actually get their ratings lowered about 200 points, due to computer accounts pushing them down. While the 2500-3000 range is probably scarce.

Recently ICC has created separate ratings for the 1-minute, 3-minute, 5-minute, 15-minute pools and 25-minute pools, were computer accounts are not allowed. In those pools, the ratings are more modest, all below 3000 range (except only for the 1-minute pool rating of Nakamura).

PS: just a note about my previous post. FM JusticeBot won recently some of the 3+0 games played against Nakamura (maybe one out of 3-4 games I guess). The fact that JusticeBot does not have a GM title is probably an indication that he probably plays much better over the internet than OTB, reinforcing what celot said about humans having a "broad spectrum of ability".
otb 2346
highest rating on playchess blitz 3177 bullet 3150 first bullet rating above 3000+ in 2004 when i was fourteen
icc blitz 3120 somewhere bullet 2600somewhere 1minpoule 2600 somewhere
best blitz 2918 here best bullet 3003
we can find oppers name with this info..
I've beaten and drawn several GMs in slow OTB FIDE games, but haven't been an active player in FIDE tourns or had the resources to play and travel so much to really achieve the norms and rating needed. One reason why my rating remains so low is that I would achieve a great advantage out of the opening or middle game, then slowly my opponent finds only best moves and I make some inaccuracies and let them slide from the result that was clearly mine. I can't say how many people in slow games I've let go when I have the most insanely winning games. Perhaps that's why I prefer online blitz since I'm better at converting in faster play than in slow where I let my opponent back in the game by one bad move. Maybe anyone else can relate to this? I've been inactive from tournaments and don't have any ambitions to pursue higher titles at the moment, I think my strength as a player has potential to beat anyone, and also lose to anyone 2200+ in the most winning of positions. I guess I need to learn the difference between won positions, and much better, as a won position would mean that the game is already decided, and therefore play until there is absolutely no play for my opponent, and the result comes.

My peak fide was over 2330, blitz over 2400, 2550 blitz 2650 bullet
ICC blitz 2900 peak, 2600 bullet
Chess 24 2700 Blitz and Bullet
lichess 2700+ in Bullet, Blitz and Classical
@JusticeBot I can relate to you. I too am a master at drawing/losing a won position. Except I am a mere 1600 USCF.
@JusticeBot this seems to be the result of psychological side effects. Humans don't fight with full strength within a "insanely winning game", as you describe. But your opponent didn't believe it was so much of a lost position (otherwise he would just resign), so he kept tense and playing at his best.

Another thing is that if your brain is on low reserves, it tends to feel tired and eager to relax, then it finds excuses to do so. The solution might be in eating healthier and practicing more sports. Or might just need some supplements specific for you. For instance, most people low in magnesium, zinc, omega-3, iodine, etc. And magnesium is the relaxing mineral so it usually promotes a better sleep, while poor sleep has very negative affects in brain consistency. Applying magnesium oil on your skin half hour before bath can be enough to change your moods. Its just the cheap magnesium chloride dissolved in a little bit of water, which gets absorbed through skin, just like it happens when people swim in the ocean.
im a fan of Opperwezen and all the superbullet guys here, but pls dont compare that ratings to the real world. You guys are doing tours in which u do berserk aswell and in this tours u play many lower rated player. U guys really cant compare that to the real world, but people who are not into tours and play with poeople at the same ratings are more accurate, then Penguing1m or Opperwezen.
@Xo yeah you can't compare online ratings to real otb ratings a fast game is totally different than a otb standard game with 2hours for each player

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