
Is this opening good

Any opening is good enough, if its reputation is bad enough.
This one in particular seems fine
Opening choice also depends on your level.
I've read that GM Kramnik considers King's Indian defense to be bad. It gives white a broad center for free.
Yet many strong players use it.
I am not that good, but I think that our knowledge of chess is poor enough to miss most of the game, even for the GM when using a PC.
Therefore I would go to the obvious: "an opening is good if it works", and king's indian works even at the top level.
@achja On the contrary I wouldn't suggest beginners or people my level such an opening, because you need a very deep understanding of the game to target the weak points of an expanded white centre.
Well, yes, it is not easy at all. I've read that Garry Kasparov stopped playing KID after the match with Kramnik. And Kramnik loves to play with white against KID and grind it down, but at the same time Kramnik played KID once as black not too long ago.

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