
Most attacking opening

@Koo8384 Is there any other way to reach the stonewall?Quite frankly,the chances of c6 being played after I play e3 are barely visible.
#38 why not e5?Its not as theory heavy....
c6 is not necessary
White's plan is to place pawns on d4,e3,f4, light square bishop on d3,play Nf3-Ne5,and if the knight is exchanged then fxe5, which can be used to free the dark square bishop later with e4. But Nbd2 is required for that push
Sometimes castling is avoided to build an attack
While learning a new opening the principles of that opening are to be learnt
Note: That's all I can say about it. I had abandoned playing it in mid-2018 and haven't faced it much yet(just once) and so I might end up saying something against the principles of this opening. But whatever I have said so far holds true and is in accordance with the principles of this opening. Consult those videos when in doubt(even the one that I couldn't post. It's the same creator)
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