
Watch out! Parminger Negi's e4 vs Minor Openings has been published!

Finally Parminger Negi's e4 vs Minor Openings has finally been published! This one looks at the annoying Nimzovitch Opening 1...Nc6 and gives some fresh new ammunition for White who usually starts with 1.e4. I obviously haven't read it yet but will use this thread to point out the new ideas White can use to stop Black in its tracks and pose serious new problems. I will be trying his recommendations against Stockfish and see how they fare against the Silicon beast.

However the meat of the book goes into detail on how White can face 1...d5 the Scandinavian, 1...d6 the Pirc and 1...Nf6 the Alekhine. Now these are the Black replies I've been looking forward to finding out how to play against as these are the dangerously popular lines Black uses against 1.e4. I admit I also use the Pirc, and the Alekhine a lot with Black so this new volume will be critical for me to read and see Negi's new ideas against these Black defenses.

Negi has one final volume to go which he's working on and it's the monster 1.e4 e5 book. I'm guessing this tome might be published in two volumes because the information on the Spanish Opening is quite massive. That one will be a serious book that the super GMs like Carlsen, and Nepo will be looking at very seriously. But even this newly released one will be heavily mined for variations Negi analyzes to see how to respond to the new theoretical lines against the Pirc which I'm eager to study in detail.

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