
can people change?

lets Say they were a certain way from age 0 - 20 but then change competly, because they realise they are doing bad?
Most people i have known never change, they just wear more convincing masks. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #2:
> Most people i have known never change, they just wear more convincing masks. :).
so true.
It seems like everybody thinks, that people can not change. What is the reason for that? Is it because our DNA?
@beginnerdev said in #5:
> It seems like everybody thinks, that people can not change. What is the reason for that? Is it because our DNA?

well it's mainly personal experience with giving people the benefit of the doubt, only for them to prove that you were right the first time around about them (that gut feeling usually). :).
People can only change. If you tried to stay the same, you would have to make a lot of changes.
@beginnerdev said in #5:
> It seems like everybody thinks, that people can not change. What is the reason for that? Is it because our DNA?

Yes, I think it's possible for people to genuinely change. But it takes a LOT more than just saying that you've changed. Consider that Krishnamurti excerpt (elsewhere on the forums).

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