
Not enforcing the temporary ban for leaving games and letting time expire

Players who do this are not only bad sports but just disrespectful to not only the other players but to the game of chess itself but sadly lichess is not enforcing the rule at all as far as I see it and I really wish this would change asap. It's just not right to make ppl wait for the win when you can clearly see the green indicator is off and the player has left the game instead of resigning...
I do think that it's being enforced, maybe people just have not done it enough against you, or you can't see that they have been temp banned.
their game completion rate has to go down to some %(not sure how much), they can't just get banned or timed out after a single disconnect as it can happen for many different reasons
hopefully they use more than game completion percentage to work it out. some people leave for 3 minutes in a totally lost position and come back and play a few moves before losing on time. I guess as far as game completion calculation goes they completed the game. still annoying.

It's ridiculous. I waited 28 seconds and got a warning. I do love the game but can't stand the snobbery and prudishness that accompanies it. Usually from the higher rated players. Some people should get a grip. You pros aren't saving the world or curing cancer. Chess as a whole needs to get a grip.
ZZ-TOP, nice virtue signal. I'm sure you are perfect and can always judge when people are watching the clock properly. So wonderfully virtuous.

Yeah no, this was a perfectly justified warning. Most people do in fact mind their clock when they're not completely lost; and if you're lost, you might as well just play fast or resign.

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