
Please make Multiple Premoves

One main thing to consider is that lichess has lag compensation. As result of this people can already do 20 moves in 0 seconds with single premoves (or just really fast moves). Other sites which allow for multiple pre-moves typically make sure a move costs at least 0.1 sec.

If multiple premoves get introduced to mainstream, the mandatory cost would likely need to be introduced to avoid even more ridiculous scenario's. So the change may be more impactfull than what most people may expect.
#9 What is there to want about multipremoves? It lowers the skill of fast chess by enabling people to premove a ton of moves in advance hence playing much faster than they could without multiple premoves (this mostly applies in the endgame).
if some ppl have the extension and others are forced to play on mobile and dont have it, it just makes it unfair.
@Testrider I don't care about lag compensation, I care about having time to finish the game as I want and not getting into a race of who's mouse is better

@TCF_Namelecc You've got a point. I want them so I can premove more in nonsensical rook + pawn endgame flags.

@gavity exactly. On top of that even if I had the possibility to use that extension I wouldn't want it if it isn't open to everybody. I want everybody to have the same chances. Not like in many online video games - the one with better internet, mouse, ... wins.
Well, and I don’t want to be winning clearly on time and perhaps even being up material, only to see my opponent do 100 moves in .1 sec, unfortunately one of us will always be disappointed as I don’t see a (nice) solution that would make us both happy.

I’m not saying the suggestion is bad, but it would have side effects.

Also, have you tried incremental time controls, perhaps you may actually find 0-1 enjoyable.

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