

When I was I kid I made a Zipline out of bicycle handlebars a pulley and a hundred foot of old telephone wire I found.
Worked great the first five times and then the wire snapped and I landed flat on my back from about 10 ft up.Completely knocked the wind out of me.
What a awful feeling.
Has this ever happened to you and how?
unrelated but since this topic is about psychical pain anyway

i once had a dream where i played la campanella, and when i woke up my hands were hurting
More about shared experiences than physical pain
Once, when I was a toddler (prolly below 6 years of age), I had fallen down from the dining table where I sat in order to retrieve my toy, and fractured my collarbone so bad that I had to get a sling across my shoulder. In another incident, I had fallen into the gutter ;-; and had to get stiches on my forehead (I was below 3 yrs of age and god knows why did my little self decide to fall in the GUTTER, of all places)
@vellarco said in #3:
> unrelated but since this topic is about psychical pain anyway
> i once had a dream where i played la campanella, and when i woke up my hands were hurting

I once had a dream that I had to sight read la Campanella in 2 hours from something important but thankfully I woke up and escaped
I was reading a book, in the school, and fell off the stairs from 1st floor to the basement. Although, I had no serious injuries, thankfully.
I was playing football, and someone made me trip so bad, I got 4 stitches and And hairline crack

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