
Feature Idea: Automatic Move Guessing

I've been a Chessbase user for a long time, but am now doing a lot of analysis on Lichess instead since it has a much nicer UI and is generally a lot faster. CB13 has a feature that automatically highlights the most likely target square for a piece after you click on it. If you release the Piece on its initial square, it will automatically jump to the target square. Similarly, if you click on an empty square or one of your opponents pieces, it will highlight the most likely piece to go there.

This feature is incredibly useful since you can often simply click on a piece instead of having to drag it which speeds up analysis tremendously.

As to the implementation, I suggest having an On/Off switch in the Settings menu, and possibly a slider for how much depth you want to use to generate the moves. Since you want the squares to be highlighted the instant you click on the piece, you want to start the engine analysis right when a new position appears on the board. I propose a MultiPV search with depth 10-15 spanning all possible moves and ranking them according to their score. Once you click on a piece, you simply fetch the highest score from the sorted move list to get the best possible move, and I'm sure there's an easy way to do the same thing for target squares.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this idea and I might look into prototyping this.
Scid has it too and i would love to have it on lichess.
interesting idea, not trivial to implement but would be nice for analysis agreed.

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