
Can I get tutored for free?

I will help people with theory but I need middlegame and endgame analysis (honestly at the start I'm like elo 2000 but at then I'm like elo 1000? Any one to try and teach me or get tutored?
With respect, looking at your rating and games, you just need tactics puzzles, not tutoring. Go to, set the puzzles to easy, and do a bunch every day.

For example, in this recent loss you blunder mate in 1:

Play longer games and check every move to make sure it is safe before you make it.
My first impression is that BigGreenShrek is correct. You do not particularly need tutoring right now, you just need to drill your tactics and analyze your games on your own, and maybe check for mistakes with the engine. You can also pick up a lot of strategy by going over master games, whether it's commentated on youtube, annotated in a book or an article, or just played over with no notes. The second thing is to be completely objective about your play. I see that you claim that you're elo 2000 at the start of the game. Don't take this too personally, but I will say immediately that you are simply not 2000 strength in the openings. I think you're confusing playing a couple of book moves with good opening play. Also, if you're looking for a professional coach to help you for free, that's poor etiquette. That's not entirely obvious at first, but I'd avoid requesting free coaching. Many coaches are just barely scraping a living off of chess, and you cannot expect them to work with no pay.
Also, any reasonable coach is going to tell you exactly what we're telling you (fix your thought process, play slower games, do tactics puzzles). So think of this thread as free tutoring.
@grapejam "My first impression is that BigGreenShrek is correct. You do not particularly need tutoring right now, you just need to drill your tactics and analyze your games on your own, and maybe check for mistakes with the engine." He is apart from the missed mate mouseslip (d1 instead).

"The second thing is to be completely objective about your play. I see that you claim that you're elo 2000 at the start of the game. Don't take this too personally, but I will say immediately that you are simply not 2000 strength in the openings. I think you're confusing playing a couple of book moves with good opening play"

At the start (first move I am lol) elo 3000 what I mean that is I'm probably book til move 6 (some move 20 I love theory - just for fun not for gain) and then I make a couple of good moves but when move 10 swings around I am much lower.

"Also, if you're looking for a professional coach to help you for free, that's poor etiquette. That's not entirely obvious at first, but I'd avoid requesting free coaching. Many coaches are just barely scraping a living off of chess, and you cannot expect them to work with no pay." My wording was confusing- I would like a free sort of helper who does it voluntary. For a while I was on they did helper groups
I want to reiterate that I don't what a coach from but a sort of helper group were people dedicate their time for other's I've helped someone irl and they are pretty ok now. I want to help people who are worse than me and people do that the same?
Well, you got a lot of free (and good!) advice in this thread.

So go follow it, get better, and come back and we'll celebrate?

To reiterate, getting better at chess is something you mainly have to do yourself through consistent practice of tactics, endgames, and so on. A coach can only tell you what you should do, not make you do it. And it's the act of doing it that's important!
I read Heisman's article and thought :

" Heisman plays real chess all his moves, so he is over 3000 and don't appear in top rating lists.

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