
hacking website

i had a mate in 1 pre-moed and more than 35 s on the clock, so losing do to a bug/hack and blaming the victim's connection does not help the site reputation when all other sites behave normally
Bruv, lichess is not responsible for your connection.

But I agree, mods are corrupt. This site is hacked. We're all in danger 🙄...
Not only is lichess hacked, I did it myself! Look!

Why else would my opponent resign when he had mate in 1??

Mods pls fix soon
HACKED vs Hacks...

There are hacks, that can cause the effects people are talking about here, but that doesn't mean the site is hacked... the site transfers game data via UDP's, the name itself suggests hacking, I.E., User Defined Packets...

Yes, u can massage UDP's, look up the history of YAHOO chess, and YtoIC hacks... Disconnects, pauses, undictated engine input, you name it...
so , i'm sorry my problem sound's persists with others headphones. It's not my fault

perhap's synchronization with threads on the androïd application ??O_o

and effectively , the timer is doubtful
@wolfs-sleeve if you have nothing productive to say, it may be more helpful for others if you dont say anything at all.

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