
Why did Black resign?

Going by the computer analysis you were in a much stronger position. Black probably realized this and decided to save his and your time so he can move on to his next game.
Oh, I didn't look at who was playing. But either way the point stands, Black realized white was in a much stronger position and instead of waiting for a blunder that probably wouldn't happen decided to save time and resign.
It is hopeless. The two passed pawns g and h will sweep everything.
Obviously, whenever somebody asks that, it looks like Black shouldn't have. ;)
@MrPushwood So what would you have done in this case to make this a winning situation for black?
It doesn't take a titled player to solve this... The puzzle is: how does black stop the following pawn moves without giving up a piece for a single pawn (can he even get both pawns for a piece?): h5-h6-g6-g7-h7.

Also, there is no counter attack for black - so we don't even have to look at moves in the area around the white king.

Since there is no answer to the above question, and no counter chances - you resign to the man who is going to be world champ soon because he's already pretty lethal in technique.

First of all, you resign when you consider your position to be lost, when you feel that resisting is futile. Of course if you are letting the other person win (a friend, your child), you may resign not in a hopeless position, but the rule is when you think you can’t save the position you resign. So applying what we’ve just said to this case it appears that Tal’s opponent reasoned that continuing would merely prolong the inevitable. Of course the objective evaluation is irrelevant; sometimes the player is so disgusted with himself, or, as I believe another person mentioned, he wanted to move on and do something else with his time, that he just threw in the towel even when perhaps another player would do differently. Now, there are many funny cases when one person has a drawn or even winning position but yet mistakenly resigns; however, this position or rather this game is not one of them. Black will clearly get rolled over on the kingside so he, in my opinion, rightly, as we say in chess, “tipped over his king.”

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