
What are the best openings for a tactical player?

Hi. I am quitting three check chess and want to become a standard player with an emphasis on tactical play. What openings do you recommend? Tell me your favourite, and give me a long list if you like. Lots of work to do :) I don't even know one standard opening properly :)
I am a three check player too :D
With white, playing Grand Prix attack vs Sicilian is pretty funny
With black, idk
Noted. Thanks. But really looking for a wide repertoire of openings with the best potential for tactical play.
Best openings do not exist. Choose your own repertoire and always plays that!Tactical or less,you will get better always a bit more.
Blah blah blah. Some openings are conducive to positional play, and some to tactical. If you can't answer my question you just like the sound of your own voice and contribute little.
Positional and tactical are not two opposite terms, LMAO. I guess you mean "sharp" or "double-edged".
I guess then King's Gambit instead of my Ruy Lopez, Grunfeld can stay, and Sicilian against e4.
Sigh. They are contrasted as two different playing styles. Of course there is overlap.
No. It's a misuse of a word 'tactical'.
Anyway, I said what openings would I play if I were in your shoes. That's it.
Okay so we will change "tactics training" because the entire chess world is using the term incorrectly, except for you. And they may well be. I really don't care enough to think about it. These pedantries are for your "oh I'm so clever" type. Cleverness is not in the little things, but that will suffice for a man's ego when he has no big things.

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