
What is the lowest rating deviation?

Mostly, I've seen the lowest of 45.00 , never sawn lower than that, is there a rating deviation lower than that?
@Peeyush_Sonkar said in #1:
> Mostly, I've seen the lowest of 45.00 , never sawn lower than that, is there a rating deviation lower than that?

The glicko2 rating system prevents anybody from going below 45. yes, 45 is the limit. In the elo system, there was a guy on FICS who got till 12 RD (after playing for 27 straight hours of 1+0)
It's 45. But as far as I understand that number is a variable in Glicko2, the setting 45 is Lichess's decision. Some time ago it was 50, even longer ago about 100.
Ther was a lot of crying and complaining when a win against an equal opponent gave only 6 rather than 10 rating points as before.

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