
Players leaving game when loosing

it is not about winning or losing, it is about (constant) p l a y i n g and not wasting time; also its about manners resp. the intention to decrease such stupid behavior which makes one waste time just because someone is pissed about losing;
So much crying from people who encounter players who let clock run down.

I imagine such people staring at the winning position they have, just waiting for their opponent to make a move. Waiting to see how he responds. Waiting.
Then comes the realization that he won't make a move.
How DARE he!
He's wasting my precious time!
He's FORCING me to wait.
Should I do something else?
What if he makes a move?
What if I miss it?
What if it says I left the game?


I can't leave this page.
I must be prepared if he makes his move.
And then they complain about it on the forums,
while the other player laughs.
I love these people, who disconnect upon a losing position. They give me the necessary time to roll a cigarette and check my phone in between two games, which means my mind is refreshed and ready again once their time runs eventually out.
the other player laughs :)?

You mean the sore loser whose ego got so butthurt he decided to make a mockery of himself and show his opponent how much he was hurting by trying to hurt back? The one who really doesn't belong in a community?

No, he's not laughing. He's crying inside.
Li'l Puppet has never seen the likes of such whiners all in one place since passing by the 'Happy Day Nursery' during diaper changing time. Man-up and push forward. Do your bleating at another chess site. *Li'l Puppet hath spoke.
Obviously the opponent is just emulating Von Bardeleben:

From A. Soltis (The Great Chess Tournaments and Their Stories, pages 67-68)

‘But Bardeleben didn’t resign. He stared at 25 Rxh7+, shot a glance at Steinitz, and without a word got up from his chair and left the room. He didn’t come back. Tournament officials searched and found Bardeleben pacing angrily. No, he wouldn’t return to the board so that outrageous Austrian could mate him.

So Steinitz had to wait for Bardeleben’s time to run out before he could claim the win. Not only claim it – he demonstrated the final ten-move mate and the crowd cheered
I am just one of this players that could not resign in a proper manner, because when I started to play on lichess, I could not figure out how and it took a time to realise that you must press the resign-button twice.
Yeah, some people are simply stupid ;-)

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