
website is a bullshit

This site is a bullshit, since there's no rotation of black and white sides. Forced to play black for 20+ matches in a row and if I try to dodge it - l get a timeout ban. Website is a bullshit.
I would be very pleased to see you play anywhere but here since you have such a behaviour

You must be a troll...
I see that your past seven matches have been as black, but six of those were aborted. Before that, it was four games in a row as white. Before that, another long sequence of aborted black games.
Reading such postings one has to concede always: everything alright, thanks lichess.
@MasterTroll , eh, @MasterMarg

a) You actually had white all the time. When you got black you aborted. You deserve the ban.

b) In the challenge dialog, look after the button bottom right. That one looking like a white king.
If most of your recent games have been white, the server will try to make you play black until the colors are balanced again. Aborted games don't count.

In conclusion: Ha!
Lol, this is just someone who wants to get white all the time and then goes into a temper tantrum because the server only gives him games as black after his white streak. He deserves it!
I kind of jealous of your stupidity) The Balance which you were talking about is fcking hood, that even when I get white and the game aborted by opponent I get black once again)
Ofc I will abort again and again untill I get white side I supposed to had from the very beggining

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