
Search for real name feature ?

In the player profile there is the rating field that can be filled in.
Would be great if a player can fill in their real name in a special field in their profile, and that one can search for real life names.
e.g. right now I am watching the results and standings of the Dutch Lightning championship, and I see a non titled player (Sjoerd van Roon) in 2nd place, having won a few times against titled players. Would he play on Lichess as well ?
Or the question : "Does GM Hikaru Nakamura play on Lichess ?" could be answered by just searching for real name on Lichess.

Of course this is tricky regarding faking and impersonation.
It could be an option for titled players only, since they get their title verified anyway ?
Also : On there is a profile field for FIDE ID web link page (besides filling in the rating).
There is a warning that faking this will be punished. So I guess they found a way to deal with this.
I think if they want to use their real names...
And yes, how do you propose policing it? Who should do that, and would they enjoy doing it (for free)?
@Doofenshmirtz #2
There are already quite some titled players who did put their real name in their profile text, especially the chess coaches.
Except it is not searchable via Lichess search option right now, hence my request.
For titled players there is already verification of the chess master title, so that could go hand in hand re: policing it.

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