
who is your favorite youtuber?

@AsDaGo, I think MSFS 2020 is more than sufficient for my purposes, even if there are some alternatives. And don't get me started about the upcoming 2024.

It's likely to be as wonderful, eventually, as the lovely Hippopotamus. And the Hippopotamus is lovely indeed. And it appears to be catching on: I've actually had to face it a few times, recently, as white! Imagine my unbridled joy!

Furthermore, listening to AvAngel's YouTubes has its own, separate, goodness. I've yet to hear her mention FlightGear. Maybe she does ... who knows? But I've yet to hear it.

FlightGear's been around for awhile, as I'm sure you know. I have nothing against it. Now excuse me, I've got to go make a flight plan. The Sky is Calling, as some say.
Chessrelated: Anna Cramling is entertaining. Powerplaychess is good.

Any real life pro flier or engineer or such that can tell which of Microsoft flight simulator or FlightGear is more realistic (within what's realistic with amateur sims). Perhaps there isn't a whole lot difference?
@what_game_is_this said in #12:
> Any real life pro flier or engineer or such that can tell which of Microsoft flight simulator or FlightGear is more realistic (within what's realistic with amateur sims). Perhaps there isn't a whole lot difference?

I can name one huge difference. FlightGear is free/libre while Microsoft Flight Simulator isn't. I don't know if there's a big difference in terms of how realistic they are though, since I have never used Microsoft Flight Simulator nor have I ever flown a real life plane.
I have flown real life planes, and don't find MSFS to be all that terribly expensive ... particularly for the amount of use I've gotten out of it. FightGear may be quite good, too, for all I know -- I've never used it.

It is best not to despise something merely because it is not free. Admittedly, sunshine, air, trust in God and the love of a good woman are all free. And what can compare with those? But prime rib, tequila, trips to the Bahamas and the gratitude of a politician are not dependably free, and they are sometimes pretty good, too!

By the way, @AsDaGo, thank you for the Lichess horsey. Admittedly, it, too, was free, and magnificent by definition.
@Noflaps said in #16:
> I have flown real life planes, and don't find MSFS to be all that terribly expensive ... particularly for the amount of use I've gotten out of it. FightGear may be quite good, too, for all I know -- I've never used it.
> It is best not to despise something merely because it is not free. Admittedly, sunshine, air, trust in God and the love of a good woman are all free. And what can compare with those? But prime rib, tequila, trips to the Bahamas and the gratitude of a politician are not dependably free, and they are sometimes pretty good, too!

You misunderstood what I meant by "free." I am referring to freedom (like Lichess), not price. That is why I wrote "free/libre" to disambiguate from gratis. I have no problem with charging money for software, but if it is not free I will never use it, because that means I can never truly own it. See for more info.

> By the way, @AsDaGo, thank you for the Lichess horsey. Admittedly, it, too, was free, and magnificent by definition.

You're quite welcome!

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