
Strange Scores

Hello everyone .. As you can see from my nick, this is the variant that I prefer. I was considering to subscribe to another site, very famous, I do not mention because I do not know if can write. But here, they are strangely strong, indeed very strong despite having ridiculous scores. Furthermore, I have seen a considerable amount of banned for foul play. Are the scores different or is there something wrong? I am very hesitant to sign up. Thanks to all who will answer ..
@ TheSpecialist3Check said in #1:
> I was considering to subscribe to another site, very famous, I do not mention because I do not know if can write.
I am pretty sure that you've already proven that you can write.

And as far as I am aware, lichess only chat-bans you or deletes your message if it is offensive - so feel free to write about, chess24, chessable,, ICC, FICS,, and of course as much as you want.

Now, coming to the question:
>But here, they are strangely strong, indeed very strong despite having ridiculous scores. Furthermore, I have seen a considerable amount of banned for foul play. Are the scores different or is there something wrong? I am very hesitant to sign up.
If you indeed mean rating instead of score (rating being the number beside your username, in this case 2208 for you in Three-Check), this is easily explained: uses the Glicko-1 rating system while lichess uses the Glicko-2 rating system - the sites use different rating systems and thus the ratings aren't the same. As an example, a 1300 on lichess would be roughly 900 on chessdotcom and a 1800 on chessdotcom would be a 2000 on lichess. Moreover, may sponsor streamers and advertizes while does not - thus, more people find their way to chessdotcom more easily than to lichess. With that being said, chessdotcom uses a system ("freemmium" I believe) that charges you money if you want to have access to some functions (like ad blocking), while lichess doesn't use ads and is free (you can of course donate, but you don't gain extra functions really).
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> I assume you mean rating (not "scores").

In theory it is the same thing. Rating or Scores for me, it's always the same thing.
For me, It is not possible to give a true rating online, so I wrote, scores
@TheSpecialist3Check said in #6:
> In theory it is the same thing. Rating or Scores for me, it's always the same thing.
> For me, It is not possible to give a true rating online, so I wrote, scores
It's not same!
Well, score is more often referred to results of series of matches between two players, like 5-2 or whatsoever.
That's why performance of player is called rating. And rating type used at Lichess is Glicko system elo rating.

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