
When you think you got an 0-0-0

What do you all think?

First look at the game, then the analysis

Also, do feel free to share your "i thought it was 0-0-0 games

Move 4, play d4, not d3. d4 block the bishop diagonal.
Moves 11 to 14 were crazy. Check the analysis.
You had f4 too, pawn breaks can help a lot.

In my game vs lance, lance had 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, and 0 blunders, with 8 centipawn loss. To do that, your level should be 2100+, and your opponent should be low rated.

Almost a 0-0-0 except for a few blunders in the end when I was running low on time
I had a couple 0-0-0 games, this is a good example. You should know the opening well, and your opponent needs to make some mistakes in the opening. Atthought to be fair, I had also had a couple long games, which were close to 0-0-0 against stronger opponents, but at the end, where i was mating him with two queens i got some inaccuracies

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