
Black Lives Matter


You are really quick to support the riots and violent protests because "they work" in your previous post lol. And do you seriously think disbanding police is a good idea?

Now you are basically saying im worse than a nazi lol

According to police statistics there were fewer black men killed by police in 2019 than white men.

Ye well, im sure gonna listen to somebody who says im a horrible, worse than nazi liar, you are really quick to start to insult people.
@Checkered_Ninja What I meant was that instead of "Oh have Black Play first" Line is ridiculous. Chess is as equal as it gets. The slight advantage White has with the opening move doesn't mean the player using Black can't succeed. Black people can succeed they don't need to be "Helped" or given a handicap. I feel like that rhetoric is so offensive.

That's not being Equal - that's treating the Black Community like they can't handle there own problems - but the real truth is that it's not just a Black Community issue. It's an American issue. Police Brutality is a problem that needs actual solutions not moral grandstanding or coddling/appeasement to one race over the others. It affects us all.

So if the angle the FM was going for is supposed to be a life parallel it doesn't really work out... Course I'm of the bootstrap mentality myself. Stop this racial divisiveness and focus on police reform, better training a national standard for all police. A National Police force perhaps. George Floyd could have been anybody. Let's fix the issue and not pretend like we're living in the past.

What I was saying is if you wanted a fun challenge - it be playing chess where all pieces are the same color. Because that way you'd have to remember the board position perfectly. Less about color more about skill. That's more of an image on solidarity in my mind. Because this isn't and shouldn't be about color.
looking forward to all these ppl close their accounts over this ^^
@ElderoZ Nice deflection.
White people outnumber black people five to one but they're both murdered by police in similar numbers: Do I need to give you a math lesson?


Police abolition means that instead of wasting money on policing drug addiction, homelessness, and other social ills, that you redirect the money to actually treating drug addiction, providing shelter for desperate people, and fixing problems instead of shooting them. When you put cops in elementary schools, the children statistically become less safe and more likely to enter the justice system. When the New York City PD went on strike, crime fell. The police as they exist are a bunch of gangbangers that do nothing to make the public safer, yes, they should be abolished and replaced with a means of enforcing public safety that doesn't trace its roots to fugitive slave patrols.
@rosecryptodotcom It's really telling that animals like you seem to think that any black person who's committed a crime in the past can suffer summary execution by a policeman at any time. What's the point of putting people through the justice system if they can apparently never atone for their crimes?

Just confess that you hate black people already and stop lying to yourself and us.
lichess was made by France: a republic or a democracy.
We are sure that lichess wasn't made by a dictature-using country
Lol, it literally means abolishing the police, Minneapolis city council president said he wants to replace police with ‘transformative new model of public safety’
Do you seriously think that without police you would be safe? Only the most radical of anarchists believe that, in 1969 Montreal police went on a strike, it got so bad they had to call in army. You have to be monumentally naive to think that pouring money into drug addits would say convince them to not rob your house because they need money for more drugs. Hell, who is even going to coerce them into therapy? lol

Also I assume you are a big supporter of the second amendment? If police gets abolished people will need guns, a lot of them.
@rebootl so you’re happy to see people go, you want people to get even more divided instead of enjoying all together this beautiful game. Shame on you.

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