
Game Completion Rate

To my knowledge I have won, drawn, been checkmated or resigned every game I've played. If I did disconnect once or twice, I don't recall but it still wouldn't explain the following... My game completion rate shows a measly 57%! I know for a fact that I am completing more than 57% of my games. I mean, that would mean that more than 2 out of every 5 games are not completed. Is there something I'm missing?
well there is one game that you obviously left on purpose but other than that yeah idk how its 57%
Do you pick your opponents? If you get someone who is too high rated, or too low rated, or starts too slowly, or plays the wrong opening, do you just abort the game and start another? This counts as an incomplete game.

It's much easier to have a high completion rate if you play a lot of bullet regardless. I know when I was playing Classical a lot my completion rate dropped to the low 80s.
@rokoroks I'm actually not sure which game you are referring to that I "left on purpose." I even went back and looked and see no such game. But regardless that wouldn't make it 57% (as you said).

@LaserGuy I didn't know that aborting games lowers completions rate. Does it lower it even if my opponent aborts or doesn't move? For example, some times I send a seek out step away from my computer and come back to see I didn't move in time and it auto-aborted. Sometimes my opponent doesn't move and it auto aborts. The *most* annoying thing has to be that after I submit a custom game seek, and let's say the game gets aborted or even we play the game and it concludes... if I click "find another opponent" rather than go back to the lobby and issue another custom seek, it changes the parameters and I often get someone much lower rated who was not within my original game seek!

Anyway, I guess I now know the problem. That's kinda crap though. A game that hasn't even started shouldn't count as an "incomplete game." It wasn't a game at all. Only suspiciously disconnected games should affect that number imho.
Aborts count as incomplete if they are your fault. If your opponent doesn't move, then it counts on them; if you don't move, then it counts on you.
Ah, that game. No, that was a game I was literally just goofing off on my phone at work. I was just having fun being silly, and a customer came in and I forgot to resign. I can see why you'd think that though.

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