
Years Played vs Years Studied vs Lichess Rating

Is there a strong correlation between # Years Playing Chess and Overall Lichess Rating?
Measured by days of OTB or online games.

Is there a stronger correlation between # Years Studying Chess and Overall Lichess Rating?
Measured by days of reading books, doing puzzles, researching & analyzing games, etc. (suggest more!)

What do you find to be the most important factor in improving your chess rating over time? Or is there a winning formula?

I try to balance my Study:Play ratio about 1:1 each.

1.5 years study / 1.5 years play / 1600-1700 OTB with ~2000 Tactical rating
I guess I should have said "1700ish Lichess" instead of my OTB, but that's easy to see with a mouseover... X.X;
I've played chess for awhile but have only studied since about last year. Before I started studying, I was so bad that people on my level would do things like Rh3 in the opening.

Studying helps.
I've played about 32 years. I studied and played otb the first 16 years. The past years I've enjoyed playing only online with no studies. I studied all aspects of chess but mostly games and select openings. That was before computer aided studies though.
Ive never played a rated otb game, and started playing chess about 7 months ago after a friend showed me this website. I quickly got hooked on the game of chess. I mostly play long games, and ill throw in some tactics training. I watch notable chess games more for entertainment as opposed to actually learning from them. I find you naturally learn it anyways the more you play. In my opinion, you improve the most by playing long games.. ( at least 25 minutes)
little over 4 months since I first started playing. I played in my first tournament 4 weeks ago and played in the open section (2000s+). I got a draw and 4 losses. My rating is unpublished fide and uscf. The week after I played in another tournament traveling only 70 miles instead of 300. This weekend I play in my third and hope to draw more than once.
Teenage years I played 10 games a year until I was 1904. Read Alekhine's best games and read My System.
Twelves years off.
In 2000, I started playing a city team tournament (3 games a year.) Rating jumped over a hundred points. (Rating inflation?)
Thumb through a few books but didn't really study.
Just started doing 5 puzzles at, and
I have been playing for 6 years since i was 8 and never studied altough i have trained with a trainer.

and now my lichess rating is 2100. but the lichess ratings are really inflated so it is more like 1800 fide
I'm 2150 bullet here and 1550 OTB, does it make sense? Only played 7 rated OTB games, though.

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